Lunenburg County Virginia

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Ancestral Home in Lunenburg County Virginia
Original Rear of House Constructed in 1916

Overby Plantation Lane
Lunenburg County, Virginia

Farmlife Photos Circa 1930 - 1980

David Overby in the Corn Field

Sallie Overby Feeding the Chickens

Bertha with dog in SouthWest Backyard

Bertha with pigs

Lassie in South Backyard

Albert & Bert loading hay

Molly and Original Stable

Shep in the snow in West Backyard

Albert and Bertha tying dark tobacco

Tobacco - Sustaining money crop planted here each year
from 1916 to 2004 with the exception of 1943-1945 (WWII)

Copyright (c) 2003-2023 David Arthur

This page was last updated on April 24, 2007